Kodavere Heritage Centre

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Kodavere Heritage Centre (Kodavere Pärimuskeskus) is situated in the village of Pala and is helping to breathe new life into the Pala civic centre, which has been vacant since the local administrative reform in 2017. The building is imposing, as it is the only Estonian civic centre with a tower. Here, the local government first began working on civic initiatives in the area in 1874.

The centre organises heritage events and introduces the peasant culture of Kodavere Parish to a wider public. By pre-registering (the centre is not yet open on a daily basis), visitors can enjoy an exhibition of the municipalities and civic centres of Kodavere Parish as well as the ‘Tõrva Liisi and Daughters’ handicraft exhibition, which focuses on the handicraft traditions of a particular local family. The centre also has an exhibition dedicated to the Kodavere dialect, (“Kodavere kiäle pesä”) and includes a room of the most famous poetess from the area, Anna Haava.

By pre-booking, the centre offers workshops on several heritage topics (e.g., the Kodavere dialect, local songs and games, wooden toys) and tours to important heritage sites. The cosy courtyard has stationary tables and benches and is thus perfectly suited for holding social events.

Opening times
  • The center is open in the summer of 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm.
  • Other times by agreement.
  • Kodavere language and heritage workshops for students and adults
  • Guided tour through expositions and featured rooms
  • Heritage centre events
  • Room rent
  • Ticket 3€
  • Family ticked 8€
  • Guided tour 20€
  • Workshops 5€ per participants
  • Room rent can be arranged separately
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