• Bicycle routs

Cycling through The Onion Route

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It has already become a tradition, that we update and expand bicycle routes for the best Onion Route experience.

It is nice to cycle on the Onion Route. Light breeze from the lake tousles your hair, the smell of air-drying onions trails you and you’ll see that the friendly locals choose the same means of transportation to run their daily errands

To make your life easier, we have prepared two cycling routes for you. If you want to see more, then complete both routes. If you feel like getting to know everything better, and it takes more time, we have also marked the accommodation spots on the map

All tours start at Alatskivi Kivi Tavern. It is wise to pre-order bikes (call Aigne – 5067605). It is also possible to start the tour in Varnja, from Mesi Tare, as they also rent bicycles (call Marko – 5181125). Also, in Kolkja, from the Peipsimaa Visitor Centre – they rent scooters and regular bikes (call Kairi – 556 39398).

The map can be found here – The Onion Route for bicycles!

But let’s go! Rent your wheels and head south. The first route is about 25 km and you’ll see all three cultures of the Onion Route.

The road runs along the Aovere-Kallaste-Mustvee highway. The road is narrow, so be careful, you need to share it with cars! The road is smooth and brand new!

Once you have driven out of Alatskivi towards Tartu, why not opt for a small detour and drop by the Bed of Kalevipoeg (about 1 km from the main road, the signs will take you there)

  • The first stop is at the Juhan Liiv Museum. How did our forefathers live in the Kodavere parish? If you want a comprehensive overview, book a guide for your tour around the museum
  • Ride along the road to Koosa, then turn right towards Varnja. The road from Koosa to Varnja is also paved with asphalt
  • Be sure to check out Varnja Prayer House. Please call 7452911 in advance to arrange a visit
  • Drop by Mesi Tare as well – you can take cool pictures in front of their house! 🙂 Or hire a boat and enjoy sailing on the lake
  • As you trail along the village roads, keep your eyes open and try to figure out how come Varnja, Kasepää and Kolkja are all Old Believers’ settlements, yet they all look and feel so different
  • Take a peep in the Gallery Voronja. Check out the summer exposition, talk to the hosts 🙂
  • In Kasepää, do visit ambulARToorium and see Kasepää prayer house and the cemetery
  • In Kolkja, the Old Believers Museum is definitely worth a visit
  • Kolkja cemetery is also worth taking a look
  • In Kostja onion farm you’ll find out how the Old Believers have cultivated their onions for centuries. If you warn the hosts about your visit and order food, you’ll get to taste savory onion pies. Those melt in your mouth!
  • Peipsimaa Visitor Centre offers a chance to roll up your sleeves and try local handicraft techniques
  • Kolkja village has a great beach where you can take a swim in the Lake Peipus
  • Continue up north, and after passing Lahepera lake, turn right, towards Nina village. The road is unpaved, but what harm will a little dust do?
  • In Nina village, find the lighthouse and you can another swim in the lake. A good beach front is in front of Nina Kordon
  • Peek behind the gates of Vaino Farm, they might be smoking fish!
  • From Nina, head towards Alatskivi. Those with stamina and will to explore more, should head towards Kallaste. If you are not up for a larger route, take a tour around Alatskivi
  • Visit Alatskivi Nature Centre. You can get a hands on experience and solve nature related puzzles
  • And of course, you should send a card back home! A real card, with real postal service. You can do it in Alatskivi Magasiait. You’ll also find souvenirs there
  • Trailing through the roads in the park, you will arrive at Alatskivi Castle. In addition to historical expositions, you can you can also find Eduard Tubin Museum, Alatskivi Castle restaurant and magnificient suites, should you need accommodation. Downstairs in the cellars you can take part in textile and ceramics workshops. Reserve at least an hour and a half for your visit
  • More energetic types can have fun in the castle park, playing discgolf. You can rent equipment for the game from the castle. Water bicycle rental is also there
  • This is how this tour concludes. Return the bikes to the Kivi Tavern, have a bite and off you go again!

For your stay we recommend: Alatskivi castle suites; Nina Kordon, Vaino Farm (both in the house, cabins or camping) and Nina Houses in Nina Village; Kadrina Manor near Pala, Mesi Tare Guest House in Varnja; Välgi Holiday House in Välgi; camping at Juhan Liiv Museum grounds.

The second route also begins at Alatskivi. Take the highway to Kallaste, turn right and find:

  • Kallaste sand outcrop with a small cemetary on it
  • Sandy beaches of Kallaste – take a very nice swim!
  • The city of Kallaste, just ride around and get acquainted with the life of a small town
  • Be sure to visit Peipsi Kalapunkt in Kallaste, on Võidu street. You will always find fresh fish there!
  • NB! Kallaste is the only place with an ATM in whole area!
  • Back to Alatskivi. Round trip is about 17 kilometres.

You can also call ahead and visit Turgi Handicraft Farm in Torila. A room full of looms and a chance to try traditional weaving.

Come and enjoy the Onion Route!

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